Friday, March 11, 2011

First week home...

The first day or so home I was pretty depressed.  I didn't say anything out loud, but inside I felt I had made a huge mistake.  I kept wanting to wake up and find it had all been a bad dream.

I was in a lot of pain and walking wore me out.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  Luckily I wasn't having problems drinking, but the protein shakes were making me gag. 

Brian was awesome!  He took a week off and was so helpful.  He even gives me my daily blood thinner shot in the hip.  I am amazed as what a wonderful man he is.  Kids were helpful too.  Cody gave me lots of hugs and told me he loved me more times than probably the whole last year.

I was able to handle the chicken broth and sf jello.  I wasn't hungry, except for head hunger.  I have never noticed so many food commercials before!

On the 5th day I broke down crying.  I was miserable.  I was in pain and still thinking I had made a huge mistake. 

Day 6 I felt better emotionally.  Brian convinced me to go to the store with him.  It helped to get out of the house.

The next day I had my appointment with the nurse practitioner.  She said everything was healing as it should and all was normal.  She gave me the go ahead to move on to the next stage in my diet.  I can now have:
eggs (soft scrambled, soft boiled or poached in water)
cottage cheese
low fat shredded cheese
greek yougurt plain or vanilla with splenda
poached fish fillets
pinto beans mashed or purred.

Also I can now mix my protein shakes with lactaid milk or soy milk.  That was a relief because mixing them with water was gagging me.

Brian and I stopped at the store on the way home and got some of my new food items!  I fixed an egg (soft scrambled) when we got home and was able to tolerate it just fine.

This brings us to today...
Today I had another egg for breakfast.  Had some pain and heartburn after it.  Waited my 30 mins to drink and took a drink.  As soon as I did it all came back up.  I ended up with the whole egg coming back up.  That made my stomach hurt A LOT!

Did dishes, straighten the house some and even took a walk around the block with the boys and dogs.

I am feeling much better today.  I still have a lot of pain and my emotions still get to me, but I don't feel I make a huge mistake any more.

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