- I have to have my gallbladder sonogram done. My PCM ordered that before I went to see the surgeon due to my gallbladder acting up. Hopefully I will not need it removed. If I do, it will be in a separate surgery than the bypass. The surgeon said they don't like to do both at the same time.
- I have to have my second night of a sleep study done and get calibrated for a CPAP machine. I did my first night a long time ago and was diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea.
- I have to get a letter of clearance from a Psychiatrist stating I am mentally capable of handling the changes my body will go through and the emotional toll I will go through.
Once I get approved I can set the date!! They are scheduling about 3 weeks out right now. Once I have a date set I will have to get bloodwork with 30 days of the surgery date and then there is a diet I will have to follow for 2 weeks prior to reduce the amount of fat in my liver.
The diet is as follows:
- Breakfast - 1 protein shake, a multi vitamin and a calcium supplement
- Lunch - 1 protein shake, and a calcium supplement
- Dinner- 3 oz (palm size) lean protein serving (i.e. chicken, fish, turkey), non starchy veggie (NOT potatoes and corn), a multi vitamin and a calcium supplement.
They gave me a list of which protein shakes to use and which ones to avoid and what to look for in a shake. The shakes will be a part of my daily routine after the surgery, so doing this before hand will help me figure out what flavors/types I like, can tolerate, etc.
There is a list of medications that I can't take for 2 weeks prior. Tylenol and Mobic are the only two I see I will have to stop. Of course I will go over my list of meds with the dr to make sure there are not also on the list.
Now that I have done the research, and done the soul searching I am ready. I wish I could speed time up to the day of the surgery. I am ready to start that part of the adventure.
I find myself checking out clothes and shoes in the misses/juniors dept and thinking "wow I will be able to wear that soon". I am afraid I am going to really enjoy shopping for clothes again once I reach my goal weight. Of course until then I will be hitting up resale shops and thrift stores since my size will be changing so quickly.
I don't just think about the good that will come from this surgery. I think about the bad too. The scary side effects. The worst case scenarios. I try not to dwell on them, but they do cross my mind. I know that this is not going to be easy, that there are days I will be crying in pain or frustration, but I also know that soon I will be able to actually JUMP for joy!
I read somewhere that some think gastric bypass is the easy way out. I guess those are the same people that consider a c-section easier that natural. Oh well, there are people like that and I won't let them get to me.
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