Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Things seem to be going so slowly

I have gotten a lot done that needs to be done, but it seems like there is still so much to do.  Also it seems like it is going to be so long until I get to have surgery.  Now that I have done the research and the hard thinking about this decision and made up my mind, I am ready to get it done!

My list now is this:
[x] gallbladder sonogram
[x] pap
[x] seminar
[x] nutritional consult / Lifestyle Change Class
[x] referrals for psych exam, sleep study, and gastric bypass
[x] psych exam (still waiting for results)
[x] appt 1 for sleep study (breathing test)
[x] appt 2 for sleep study (dr. consult)
[ ] appt 3 for sleep study (actual sleep study/CPAP fitting)
[ ] appt 4 for sleep study (followup and results) 
[ ] appt with nurse practitioner
[ ] insurance approval (too early to begin this)
[ ] 2 week pre-op diet
[ ] blood work

At least I have more checked done than not.  Found out yesterday that the nurse practitioner has no future available appt and they are booking into Dec.  Will have to wait for either a cancelation or for when they open up more dates.  Disappointed that I have more waiting to do, but at least that gives me more time to finish my sleep study up.

I did a search on Youtube and found a video of an actual gastric bypass.  Not sure that was the best idea.  lol.  Have found some video blogs too that I enjoyed watching.  One lady showed the bad with the good.  I know it's not all roses, but it's different reading it and actually seeing a person the day after (week after, month after, etc)  surgery talking about what they are going through.   I'm thinking of doing a video blog also.  Right now the thought of putting myself on video is too scary though.  Do I really want people to see how bad I look?

Brian and I went to my Lifestyle Change Class this week.  It was given my the nutritionist for my surgeon.  I have done a lot of research so I knew a lot of what was said, but it was still nice to have it all explained to me in a clear manner.  I look forward to my visit with the nurse when I will get a spiral notebook with lots more info in it.  I can't seem to research enough!  I did get a list of what protein supplements they approve of and have researched the different flavors and prices and various stores online so I know what I want to try first.  I also got a list of what vitamin and supplements they want me on both pre and post surgery.   I was glad Brian was able to attend with me.  It was the first of the appt. I have had that he has been able to attend.  The changes I will be making in my life will effect him also and I wanted him to realize just what all they are.

I was hoping I would have this done before Thanksgiving, but now it's looking like it could be Jan.  I don't want to be in the hospital over Christmas break.  I used to work in a hospital and I have always said I would not voluntarily be in the hospital over the holidays.  Just like I don't want to be in there on a Fri afternoon or weekend.

I did hear that once I get my appt with the nurse practitioner from there things move quickly.  They said the insurance approval for Tricare is pretty straightforward and all that will be holding me back is the 2 week preoperative diet.

Here is the list of the protein shakes that the dietitian for my surgeon approves of:

  • Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein (Walmart)
  • Pure Protein 100% Whey Protein (Target)
  • Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard (GNC)
  • GNC Pro Performance Whey Isolate 28 (GNC)
  • Nature's Best Isopure Zero Carb (, GNC)
  • GNC Pro Performance Soy Protein 95 (GNC)
  • Unjury Medical Quality Protein (Unjury)
  • Syntrax Necter (,,,
  • Bariatric Advantage Meal Replacement (
She said they took into account protein, amt of carbs, amino acids, etc.  
Right now I am going to go with Syntrax Necter and Opt. Nut. 100% Whey Gold Std.   I have read reviews and they have really good ones for taste etc.  Also the Syntrax one is considered a clear liquid so I can use it the first couple days post op.

I have researched vitamin and supplement prices and found the best deals for those are at

The other surgeon I was thinking of using has a store at their office and their prices are competitive with online prices without have the shipping cost, so I am going to see if I can buy product from their store even though I didn't go through them for the surgery.

I have to get a shaker bottle for help mix up my protein shakes.  I want to get a blender bottle that has the metal spring or ball in it to help break up the clumps.  I also would like to get a new blender to help with the purees and stuff I will have to eat for the first few months.  I have a fake magic bullet, but am not thrilled with it.  Bed Bath and Beyond has one I want to do more research on before I get it:  Ninja Blender  If anyone has that, let me know what you think.  I need to read some reviews and compare prices.  Just learned of it today.

Well, I have typed enough.  If you are still actually reading this... leave some love in the form of a comment!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Some changes, but still on the path...

I have done a lot of research and a lot of praying and have decided to go with another dr.  I am going to go with the local one out of Scott and White.  Scott & White link  I liked the other dr group, but something about Scott and White appeals to me more.  There are several reasons.
They are closer, won't have to go 3 hours away for surgery.  They're at their close office 5 days a week vs. the twice monthly the other is in town for follow up appts.  There is a local support group.  Liked what the dr. said at the seminar better.  Some other reasons.  Just feel deep down that they are a better choice

My PCM has put the necessary referrals in.  I have taken my psychology test (waiting for results ~ hopefully they don't find out I am crazy :P ).  I still need to get a sonogram done on my gallbladder, get retested for sleep apnea and get my CPAP if needed.  I will also need to get a current PAP done and routine bloodwork.  Once all that is done and they have the results, they will submit it to Tricare for approval.  At that point it could take as little as a week to get the approval.  So... if all goes well and my gallbladder tests okay then it should be about a month.

Weird to think that by Thanksgiving I could be reworked inside and not be eating Thanksgiving meal.  I don't need to eat to enjoy the holiday and will have lots of things to be thankful for.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just curious...

Does anyone actually read this?  If so leave a comment and let me know!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Baby steps...

One step at a time.  I keep reminding myself.  It seems like everything is moving along so slow.  I met one of the surgeons on Friday.  It was a one on one meeting instead of a large seminar like other drs. do.  I was able to ask questions, etc.  After my appointment with him I had my nutritional consult.  Now for the things I still need to get done before a date can be set:
  • I have to have my gallbladder sonogram done.  My PCM ordered that before I went to see the surgeon due to my gallbladder acting up.  Hopefully I will not need it removed.  If I do, it will be in a separate surgery than the bypass.  The surgeon said they don't like to do both at the same time.
  • I have to have my second night of a sleep study done and get calibrated for a CPAP machine.  I did my first night a long time ago and was diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea.  
  • I have to get a letter of clearance from a Psychiatrist stating I am mentally capable of handling the changes my body will go through and the emotional toll I will go through.
The big hurdle will be to get Tricare to approve it.  I meet the criteria, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Once I get approved I can set the date!!  They are scheduling about 3 weeks out right now.  Once I have a date set I will have to get bloodwork with 30 days of the surgery date and then there is a diet I will have to follow for 2 weeks prior to reduce the amount of fat in my liver.

The diet is as follows:
  • Breakfast - 1 protein shake, a multi vitamin and a calcium supplement
  • Lunch - 1 protein shake, and a calcium supplement
  • Dinner- 3 oz (palm size) lean protein serving (i.e. chicken, fish, turkey), non starchy veggie (NOT potatoes and corn), a multi vitamin and a calcium supplement.
I will also need to drink AT LEAST 64 ounces of water each day.

They gave me a list of which  protein shakes to use and which ones to avoid and what to look for in a shake.  The shakes will be a part of my daily routine after the surgery, so doing this before hand will help me figure out what flavors/types I like, can tolerate, etc.

There is a  list of medications that I can't take for 2 weeks prior.  Tylenol and Mobic are the only two I see I will have to stop.  Of course I will go over my list of meds with the dr to make sure there are not also on the list.

Now that I have done the research, and done the soul searching I am ready.  I wish I could speed time up to the day of the surgery.  I am ready to start that part of the adventure.

I find myself checking out clothes and shoes in the misses/juniors dept and thinking "wow I will be able to wear that soon".  I am afraid I am going to really enjoy shopping for clothes again once I reach my goal weight.  Of course until then I will be hitting up resale shops and thrift stores since my size will be changing so quickly.

I don't just think about the good that will come from this surgery.  I think about the bad too.  The scary side effects.  The worst case scenarios.  I try not to dwell on them, but they do cross my mind.  I know that this is not going to be easy, that there are days I will be crying in pain or frustration, but I also know that soon I will be able to actually JUMP for joy!

I read somewhere that some think gastric bypass is the easy way out.  I guess those are the same people that consider a c-section easier that natural.  Oh well, there are people like that and I won't let them get to me.